Wednesday 28 November 2012

Things that are built on top of Supervolcanoes!

As most people know, Yellowstone, Rockies, USA is a supervolcano capable of exploding into an eruption thousands of times larger than that of 'ordinary' volcanoes, like Mount St. Helens or the one on Montserrat. How many other magma cannons have been built over by oblivious engineers and planners? There are at least six:-

Secret weapons lab, USA - Los Alamos National Laboratory, built almost directly over the supervolcano Valles Caldera

Space Centre - Tanegashima Space Center, the largest rocket facility in Japan, sits on an island very close to the sea floor supervolcano Kikai Caldera
Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

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Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

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Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

Read more: Valles Caldera (pValles Caldera (p
Space centre, Japan - Tanegashima Space over the supervolcano Kikai Caldera
National capital - Guatemala City residents wonder which one of the four volcanoes surrounding the city is going to erupt. However, they can't see Atitlan Caldera, a supervolcano 73 miles away

Resort town - Mammoth Lakes, in California's Central Valley, home to the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area and above an active supervolcano, Long Valley Caldera

Naples, Italy - The Phlegraean Fields is a massive areaaround southern Italy; it containsMount Vesuvius

North Island, New Zealand -  Taupo Caldera, one of the most active supervolcanoes in the world. 80% of the population live on North Island

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