Tuesday 6 November 2012

Survivors of the Ice Age

Survivors Of The Ice Age - Brewhouse Theatre Events

Wednesday 14 November 7.45pm at Taunton Brewhouse Theatre
Royal Geographical Society by Alice Roberts 

Professor Alice Roberts draws together academic research and experience from her own travels to tell the story of the Survivors Of The Ice Age. Why did so many other species around the world, from giant kangaroos in Australia to mammoths in Eurasia die out but humans survive? Join Alice in discovering what science can reveal about our own survival through the end of the Ice Age.

The lecture is a sell out, I have got the last six tickets! They are £7.50 each (schools' price). I have booked the micro-bus to take us there.

I gather there is a forthcoming BBC TV programme called Ice Age, presented by Professor Roberts. You may have seen her on Coast, Prehistoric Autopsy etc

Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you would like to come along.

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