Wednesday 19 December 2012


Tonight at 7pm on BBC4 is Iain Stewart's

'10 Things you didn't know about Tsunamis'

Previous programmes on volcanoes, avalanches and earthquakes (and this one too) are available on YouTube

Saturday 15 December 2012


Do have a look at the other Blogs which might be of interest 
(see right hand panel).

The Geological Society of London
Bath Geological Society
Earth Science Guy
Living Geography


The government has announced that it will remove a temporary ban on hydraulic fracturing across the UK.
Fracking, as it is known, is a controversial technique for recovering gas and oil from shale rock. But how concerned should people be about the environmental impacts?
Hydraulic fracturing is widely used across the US to exploit reserves of oil and gas that were once believed to be inaccessible.
But in the UK, the use of fracking was halted in 2011 after some minor earthquakes near Blackpool, in north-west England, were attributed to test wells being drilled by the energy company Cuadrilla.

Wednesday 12 December 2012


The Lunar Gravity map is all new 
(click on the the link to see video explanation)

The Earth's gravity map is from last year.
(click on the the link to see video explanation)

iTunesU & Podcasts

iTunes U

Have a look on iTunes U. There are lots of short videos explaining key ideas of Geology (and most other subjects too).

The Open University ones are generally very good + some from American Universities.

Open University: Their 'Volcanoes' course would be good to start with.


Lots out there: e.g. BBC Material World, Planet Earth Online & The Infinite Monkey Cage



Drilling begins at lake hidden beneath Antarctic

A British research team in Antarctica has launched a long-awaited project to hunt for life in a lake hidden beneath the ice-sheet.  A team of 12 scientists and engineers has begun work at remote Lake Ellsworth.  They are using a high-pressure hose and sterilised water at near boiling point to blast a passage through more than two miles of ice. The aim is to analyse ice waters isolated for up to 500,000 years. 
The process of opening a bore-hole is expected to last five days and will be followed by a rapid sampling operation before the ice refreezes. 
Lake Ellsworth is one of several hundred lakes known to exist beneath the ice-sheet - its waters kept just above freezing temperature by the warmth of the rocks below and by pressure melting 

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012


Hopefully this will be of the same calibre as the Channel 4 programmes on Eyjafjallajokull and the Haiti Earthquake.

'Is our weather getting worse?' should be really good for Y13 geography on Atmospheric Systems.


Are the strange events of 2012 a one-off or an ominous sign of climate change in action? How does the changing global climate affect the British weather and what can we expect in the future? Is our weather getting worse?

Saturday 8 December 2012


Prize (t.b.a.) for the best explanation of what is going on in the photo I have attached from Professor Menzie's talk.

Either detailed labels on a copy of the diagram or a paragraph explaining 
the key features.

Competition closes at 4pm on Tuesday.

GEOEYE  Brilliant satellite photos and an ipad app.


Well done to all of you who scored 9/10 and 10/10 for your questions and comments to Prof Menzies yesterday! He again went away impressed with your enthusiasm, ability to think and your willingness 'to be curious'. 

My favourite quote from yesterday:
'Eyjafjallajokull eruption significantly improved the air quality in London and at Heathrow in particular.'

Some detailed concepts were covered I thought you coped really well!


The Daily Telegraph magazine today features an article about Glaciers and climate change. This is in advance of a film being released in UK cinemas on 14th December 
called 'Chasing Ice'.

Friday 7 December 2012


Wells geologists enjoyed a lecture at the Bath Geological Society yesterday evening, entitled 'Eight Myths of Evolution' by Professor Simon Conway-Morris (Cambridge University). Doug Branch had a post-lecture 'strokey beardy' conversation about
evolution and the randomness of genetic mutations!


Get more out of Google Earth!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012


Follow the link to see short movies of sedimentary processes like ripple formation, turbidity currents etc

Revision for Y13, we are about to do it in Y12.

Sunday 2 December 2012


A poster, hilarious!
What an amusing T Shirt!


Hercynian folds near Bude, Cornwall
Is it time to revise Geological Structures?

Have a look at this website to smooth out your folds or correct your faults:


David Attenborough's brilliant 2 part series 'First Life' is being repeated this week on BBC4 
(Thursday 6th Dec & Saturday 8th Dec at 8pm)
Essential viewing for Y13 Geology in particular. You will have seen some of it in class.

Record it, iplayer it, watch it!


£14.80 very well spent at 'Amazon'. 
Would like to show you the copy I have just bought, 
but Mrs Rowley has confiscated it to wrap it up for Christmas!
Thank you to an 'Amazon' officianado (Mr Boot) for recommending it.

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Eight Evolutionary Myths: the closing of the Darwinian mind?

Eight Evolutionary Myths: the closing of the Darwinian mind?
Professor Simon Conway-Morris, F.R.S., Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
Prof. Conway-Morris’ focus of research concerns the study of the constraints on evolution, and the historical processes that lead to the emergence of complexity, especially with respect to the construction of the major animal bodyplans in the Cambrian explosion. His work is central to palaeobiology, but is also of great interest to biologists and bioastronomers, as well as the wider community.

Upper sixth geologists & lower sixth geologists. Sign up tomorrow!!

Depart stableyard 1730
Schwartz Bros Burger 1820
Lecture begins at 1930

Click below to read 'Rethinking Evolution'

Things that are built on top of Supervolcanoes!

As most people know, Yellowstone, Rockies, USA is a supervolcano capable of exploding into an eruption thousands of times larger than that of 'ordinary' volcanoes, like Mount St. Helens or the one on Montserrat. How many other magma cannons have been built over by oblivious engineers and planners? There are at least six:-

Secret weapons lab, USA - Los Alamos National Laboratory, built almost directly over the supervolcano Valles Caldera

Space Centre - Tanegashima Space Center, the largest rocket facility in Japan, sits on an island very close to the sea floor supervolcano Kikai Caldera
Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

Read more:
Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

Read more:
Los Alamos National Laboratory, which housed the development of the Manhattan Project, was built almost directly above a supervolcano dubbed Valles Caldera

Read more: Valles Caldera (pValles Caldera (p
Space centre, Japan - Tanegashima Space over the supervolcano Kikai Caldera
National capital - Guatemala City residents wonder which one of the four volcanoes surrounding the city is going to erupt. However, they can't see Atitlan Caldera, a supervolcano 73 miles away

Resort town - Mammoth Lakes, in California's Central Valley, home to the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area and above an active supervolcano, Long Valley Caldera

Naples, Italy - The Phlegraean Fields is a massive areaaround southern Italy; it containsMount Vesuvius

North Island, New Zealand -  Taupo Caldera, one of the most active supervolcanoes in the world. 80% of the population live on North Island


Physical causes?
Human Causes? 
Consequences - short term/long term?

The 150-year-old former jetworkers’ cottages are located in Aelfleda Terrace, and have been condemned after land slipped, leaving the buildings precariously balanced.
It’s lucky that it didn’t happen in the middle of the day and there was nobody in it.
Other homeowners were informed that their properties were set to be demolished.The properties themselves were undamaged, but due to their age the foundations are unknown, and so independent contractors have compiled a report condemning the buildings.
For Mr Tomlinson, this means that he has lost a profitable business. While he will be able to claim insurance on the property, he still expects to make a subtantial loss. On Tuesday afternoon work began to remove irreplaceable personal items ahead of the demolition. However, due to the instability of the properties, it is unlikely that other household items and furniture will be removed as this would be too dangerous.
An architect, Mr Tomlinson believes that the cause of the landslip was flawed drainage works completed by Yorkshire Water a decade ago.
He said: “We discovered about three years ago that they hadn’t connected rain water pipes correctly so we had six or seven years of rain coming off the roof, straight into the ground. But we’ve been fighting with Yorkshire Water and they are denying it.”
They say that when the Abbey car park was constructed, excess soil was dumped above The Ropery. This formed a layer of clay that prevents water from soaking into the ground. Water instead remains at the surface and flows downhill - causing additional flooding to properties.


Please try to watch the excellent Horizon programme about Earthquake prediction, it is on four times in the next few days! Try to record it and watch later if necessary!

Last century, earthquakes killed over one million, and it is predicted that this century might see ten times as many deaths. Yet when an earthquake strikes, it always takes people by surprise.
So why hasn't science worked out how to predict when and where the next big quake is going to happen? This is the story of the men and women who chase earthquakes and try to understand this mysterious force of nature.
Journeying to China's Sichuan Province, which still lies devastated by the earthquake that struck in May 2008, as well as the notorious San Andreas Fault in California, Horizon asks why science has so far fallen short of answering this fundamental question.

BBC4 Thursday 8pm
BBC 4 Friday 1am
BBC4 Saturday 8pm
BBC 4 Sunday 2am

Monday 26 November 2012

Hawaii Volcano - 2011 Kamoamoa fissure eruption

Updated & BETTER footage of the Kilauea crater collapse and fissures.


What did one Italian volcano say to the other Italian volcano?

Do you lava me like I lava you?!

What do Cheryl Cole and a volcano have in common?

They both throw out Ash!

What is Santa's favourite lava?

Pa Ho Ho Ho!

Thursday 22 November 2012


Volcano lectures

Prof Martin Menzies (a volcanologist from Royal Holloway, University of London) is visiting us on Friday 7th December. He will be giving two talks.

14.50-15.50   Magma: From Source to Surface 
(Y12 & 13 Geology + Y13 Geography)

1600-1700     Volcanic Hazards & Plate Boundaries
(Y12 & 13 Geology, Y12 & 13 Geography, Y11 Geography)

He is a really good speaker and World expert on Volcanoes. If you haven't got geog/geol/private study on Friday pd5 please ask in advance (nicely) to be excused from your lesson.


An excellent timelaspe video of Eyjafjallajokull

The even more excellent WCS Iceland video by Jonathan Edwards


Fissure eruption: 

First clip is short with no commentary, the second is longer and from Hawaiian TV.

Kilauea Crater Collapses:

NZ Volcano Erupts

A volcano has erupted on New Zealand's North Island, sending a column of ash high into the atmosphere.
The official (GNS Science) monitoring service issued a potential threat alert after Mount Tongariro started spewing smoke and steam.
There are no immediate reports of damage. It is the second eruption of the mountain this year.


It's a thumbs up for caving from Harry!
It was a mud covered scramble for us on Monday, as a group of year 13 geographers and geologists went caving in Goatchurch Cavern. Our guide, Chris, quickly began teaching us about the formation of caves and leading us through the maze of passages and squeezes. Geological features, were frequently spotted by the team whilst exploring, brecciated crinoid stems and brachiopod valves were in high concentration in the Carboniferous bedrock, and a silvery microorganism called Archaea, coated the cave walls. The exploration continued with a shoulder width diameter,12m long tube called the 'Drainpipe', the record time for which is nine seconds (by a woman from Cambridge University!). Our team, however, was not as rapid, and struggled to get through in a minute. After an excellent experience, the team emerged once again at the surface, anticipating the next caving trip planned on the horizon. JE

Sandy Island 'proven not to exist'

A South Pacific island, shown on marine charts and world maps as well as on Google Earth and Google Maps, does not exist, Australian scientists say.
The supposedly sizeable strip of land, named Sandy Island on Google maps, was positioned midway between Australia and French-governed New Caledonia.
But when scientists from the University of Sydney went to the area, they found only the blue ocean of the Coral Sea.
The phantom island has featured in publications for at least a decade.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Extreme Environments

A free iBook is available from iTunes books called 'Extreme Environments'. Excellent stuff on Glacial Environments.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Head Start Courses for Y12

Did you know that we have launched our most exciting programme yet, for an amazing summer in 2013? Our places are going really fast this year, so do tell your students to apply asap to be considered.    We’d love to tell you all about every single course we offer, but there simply isn’t the room here! 
For the full list of all 46 Headstart courses available in 2013, visit our website: not pass on this flyer to your maths, science and technology students and ask them to apply as soon as possible as places are being snapped up – we are strictly limited on the number of places and we’d love to give one to everyone, but once they’ve gone, they’re gone!Good luck,The Headstart Team

For more information click on the link and/or see Mrs Edwards.

Survivors of the Ice Age

Survivors Of The Ice Age - Brewhouse Theatre Events

Wednesday 14 November 7.45pm at Taunton Brewhouse Theatre
Royal Geographical Society by Alice Roberts 

Professor Alice Roberts draws together academic research and experience from her own travels to tell the story of the Survivors Of The Ice Age. Why did so many other species around the world, from giant kangaroos in Australia to mammoths in Eurasia die out but humans survive? Join Alice in discovering what science can reveal about our own survival through the end of the Ice Age.

The lecture is a sell out, I have got the last six tickets! They are £7.50 each (schools' price). I have booked the micro-bus to take us there.

I gather there is a forthcoming BBC TV programme called Ice Age, presented by Professor Roberts. You may have seen her on Coast, Prehistoric Autopsy etc

Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you would like to come along.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Geology & Geography Caving trips

The two dates for the caving trips are:

Thursday 8th November (Depart 1630 - Return at approx 2030)

Monday 12th November (Depart 1630 - Return at approx 2030)

Dates for your diary: Bath Geol Soc Lecture

Eight Evolutionary Myths: the closing of the Darwinian mind?

Thursday 6th December

Professor Simon Conway-Morris, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

Prof. Conway-Morris’ focus of research concerns the study of the constraints on evolution, and the historical processes that lead to the emergence of complexity, especially with respect to the construction of the major animal bodyplans in the Cambrian explosion. His work is central to palaeobiology, but is also of great interest to biologists and bioastronomers, as well as the wider community.
Prof. Conway-Morris is a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Leaving our mark:

Two interesting articles on the BBC News website.

Leaving our mark: Fossils of the future

Leaving our mark: What will be left of our cities?

The articles are based on BBC World Service Radio programmes that can also be downloaded as podcasts.