Sunday 21 June 2015

BBC Radio 4: In our Time podcasts

In our Time is a 45 minute radio programme hosted by Melvyn Bragg, he is not a scientist and it shows. The discussions are nonetheless very interesting and in the cases below are directly relevant to the A2 Geology course.

The Ediacara and Cambrian programmes follow on directly & consolidate our recent work in class (the time line Geofantasmagram).

Browse here for interesting radio programmes about prehistoric life:

Or go direct to:
Ediacaran fauna: 
The Cambrian explosion:
Chance and design:
Human evolution:

For the following topics follow the link at the bottom of the page:
Ageing the Earth
Earth's Origins
Earth's Core
Human Origins
Climate Change
Early Geology
Plate Tectonics
Geological formation of Britain
KT Boundary Mass Extinction
Permo-Triassic Boundary Mass Extinction

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