Monday 16 September 2013


I have become frustrated that every news bulletin has referred to 'the controversial technique of fracking' not the 'revolutionary/exciting technique of fracking'.

I wonder what the 'spin' will be in this programme?

Fracking (unconventional hydrocarbon resources) are part of the A2 geology course.
Thursday 19th September on ITV from 7:30pm to 8:00pm
Fuel companies say drilling for gas and oil using a process known as fracking is clean, safe and could meet the UK's energy needs. Recent exploratory drilling in Sussex has sparked high profile anti-fracking protests amid fears about its impact on the environment. So what exactly is fracking - and why are people so concerned about it? Fiona Foster travels to a town in Pennsylvania in the US where fracking is dividing the community, despite the fact that it is cutting domestic fuel bills by up to a third.
See labels (on side of blog) for more information on Fracking.
The big debate on fracking is also considered here:

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