Tuesday 12 February 2013


'Record close' asteroid may miss the Earth but it could take out your phone.

Scientists have dismissed fears an asteroid due to whizz past the Earth on Friday will 'destroy London' - but it could take out vital telecommunications satellites.

Scientists say they are sure there is no chance of the 150ft (45.7m) wide space rock hitting the planet.
But there is a remote possibility that it could collide with one of more than 100 telecommunication and weather satellites in fixed orbits above the Earth.
The asteroid, 2012 DA14, has been closely tracked since its discovery a year ago.
It is predicted to reach its nearest point to the Earth at around 7.30pm UK time on Friday.
Experts have calculated it will stay at least 17,200 miles (27,681km) away - easily far enough to be safe, but a very close shave in astronomical terms. Scientists have never observed such a narrow miss before.

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