Thursday 13 October 2016

Amazing cloud formation

Residents in Somerset were in for a surprise this morning, when they spotted what could easily be mistaken for a UFO in the sky.
The rare atmospheric phenomenon is a strange cloud formation, known as fallstreak, or hole-punch clouds.
These unfamiliar clouds form when temperatures are below freezing, but water droplets in the clouds have yet to freeze due to a lack of ice particles.
When ice particles form quickly, it causes a domino effect as the water droplets connect with the crystals, which get heavier and then start to fall all of a sudden - leaving a large hole in the cloud.
The wispy clouds that form in the center of the hole are the water particles falling.
Passing airplanes are thought to be the reason behind the formation of these clouds, since a drop in pressure caused by their wings or propeller tips cools the air quickly.

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50 years of Volcanic eruptions & Earthquakes

It is a stunning animation showing exactly how the earth moves.
Researchers at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History have unveiled the E3 map - showing eruptions, earthquakes and emissions. The team behind it say the map is akin to watching the pulse of our planet.
The map tracks every recorded volcanic eruption, earthquake and major sulfur dioxide emission since 1960.